Convoys Wharf
Key Details
Convoys Wharf is a mixed-use riverside development on a 16.6ha derelict brownfield site in Deptford, London SE8.
Convoys Wharf will deliver 3,500 new homes. The development is delivered in 3 phases over a 10-15 year build out programme.
Plot 15
Plot 15 is located south of the listed Olympia Building, north of the Deptford High Street Conservation Area and within the Evelyn Quarter. Plot 15 consists of 124 Affordable homes, the majority being Affordable Rent homes, including 2, 3 and 4 bed homes and associated family play areas. There will be 800m2 of new Business space at ground floor level, including the provision of 249m2 of much needed Affordable Business Space. 12 accessible car parking spaces dedicated to the residents of the Wheelchair accessible units. 222 bicycle parking spaces which are all secure, undercover and a mixture of accessible and double stacked. Architect: Glen Howells Architects. Landscaping: Andy Sturgeon Design.
Plot 08
Plot 08 consists of 456 new homes, 1650m2 of retail and café / restaurant uses, including car and cycle parking spaces as well as new landscaping and associated public realm works. The 1- and 2-bedroom homes in a 10-14-storey building will be accessible for first time buyers and upscalers supported by the Help to Buy scheme. It provides communal gardens and leisure space including creative outdoor play for under 5’s. Architect: Farrells. Landscaping: Gillespies.
Plot 22
The Jetty site Plot 22 comprises a 785m2 river front building for use as a restaurant/café. This building will initially be used as a temporary marketing suite. This building is set in 1.4 Acres (over 0.5Ha) of entirely new publicly accessible open space on the restored jetty in the Thames. At completion this plot delivers landscaping, cycle parking and public realm which can be used to host cultural and community events and the addition of a new Riverbus stop connecting Deptford to the Thames Clipper London Riverbus service. Architect: Mark Barfield Architects. Landscaping: Gillespies.
The site of Convoys Wharf was a major Royal Dockyard from the 16th to the 19th century.
2020 June - Lewisham councillors supported HPG’s Reserved Matters Applications (RMA) as part of the first phase of the Convoys Wharf development. The Council’s Strategic Planning Committee approved plans for Plot 15 on 22 June 2020, which will provide 124 affordable homes and business spaces including affordable business space. It follows a decision on 9 June 2020 to approve Plot 08, which will provide 456 new homes, space for up to 20 businesses such as cafés, restaurants and shops; and Plot 22, which comprises over an acre of new publicly accessible open space on the restored jetty on the Thames, including a flexible use building and river bus pontoon to connect to the Thames Clipper network.
2020 - Public Exhibition 28th February and 2nd March.
2015 - Outline planning permission for the Convoys Wharf masterplan scheme was granted in 2015.
2014 - The outline planning permission was granted by The Mayor of London for the demolition of all non-listed structures at the site, and comprehensive redevelopment (to include retention and refurbishment of the Grade II Listed Olympia Building) to provide up to 419,100m2 of mixed use development comprising up to:
- 321,000m² residential (Class C3) (up to 3,500 units);
- 15,500m² business space (Class B1/live/work units);
- 2,200m² for up to three energy centres;
- 32,200m² working wharf and vessel moorings (Class B2 and sui generis);
- 27,070m² hotel (Class C1);
- 5,810m2 retail, financial and professional services (Classes A1 and A2);
- 4,520m² restaurant/cafes and drinking establishments (Classes A3 and A4);
- 13,000m² community/non-residential institutions (Class D1 and D2),
- 1,840 car parking spaces, together with vehicular access and a river bus facility.
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