Bermondsey Place
Planning permission granted

Planning permission granted

30/10/2020 by Buildington
Planning permission granted

Plans approved for the hybrid application comprising a full planning application for Phase 1 (the 'Detailed Component') and outline planning permission (the 'Outline Component') for Phases 2 & 3:
Detailed Component (Phase 1):
Full planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the central area for the erection of a total of 4 buildings, two at 7 storeys (Buildings B9& part B12), one at 15 storeys (Building B10), and one at 44 storeys (Building B4) (max height 147.12m AOD) to provide 420 homes, 1,197 sqm GEA of Class B1(c) floorspace and 785 sqm GEA of non-residential floor space within classes A1-A4 (retail), Class B1 (business) and Class D1 (public services) and D2 (entertainment and leisure) use, an energy centre (750 sqm) and new public open space and public realm with on street and basement car parking spaces and cycle spaces.
Outline Component (Phase 2 & 3):
Outline planning permission (scale, layout, landscaping, access and appearance reserved) for the demolition of existing buildings and structures and the erection of eight buildings (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B11 and part B12) ranging in height from 5 to 35 storeys (max height 132.9m AOD) to provide up to 88,052sqm floorspace GEA, comprising up to 880 residential units, up to 3,316 sqm GEA of Class B1(c) floorspace and up to 1,702sqm GEA of non-residential floor space within Classes A1-A4 (retail), Class B1 (business), Class D1 (public services) and D2 (entertainment and leisure) use and car parking spaces at ground level and cycle spaces, with associated new open space, public realm, car parking and associated works.
Totals: Up to 1,300 homes and up to 7,000sqm commercial floorspace.

Southwark Council Ref. no. 17/AP/2773
Developer: Berkeley
Architect: Rolfe Judd

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