Ten Trinity Square
09/05/2011 by Buildington

The former Port of London Authority headquarters at 10 Trinity Square is to be reborn as the Square Mile’s first “super luxury” hotel and residences by plans to be published this week, reports Financial Times.

The group is to implement plans to form a 120-bedroom hotel with 37 private apartments designed by David Collins, as well as an exclusive private members’ club, three restaurants and a spa. KOP has resubmitted revised plans for the scheme, which it hopes will be granted permission this summer. Completion of the project is expected by 2014.

Read the full article at FT.com: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/33f4f5ce-7999-11e0-86bd-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz1LqOh9wEA

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