10-11 Lancaster Gate
21/02/2017 by Buildington
Planning Committee meeting

Westminster City Planning Committee is discussing the latest application for 10-11 Lancaster Gate today.

The applicant proposes a change of use from a hotel to ten apartments. The applicant proposes demolishing the structures to the rear of no. 11 above ground floor level and constructing a new four-storey extension. External alterations, including the reinstatement of railings and a gate to the Craven Terrace frontage are proposed. Internal alterations, including replacement of the existing lift, are also proposed.

The key issues are:
- Loss of the hotel use and provision of residential;
- Provision of an affordable housing contribution and the Vacant Building Credit;
- Impact on the special architectural interest of this Grade 2 listed building and the character
and appearance of the Bayswater Conservation Area; and
- Impact on on-street parking levels.

The applicant does not agree to payment of an affordable housing contribution which makes the proposed development contrary to policy S16 of the City Plan. Accordingly, it is recommended that permission is refused.

Subject to the recommended conditions, the proposed development would preserve the special architectural and historic interest of this listed building. Accordingly, it is recommended that listed building consent is granted, subject to the conditions set out in the draft decision letter.

For full details please visit westminster.gov.uk. Application ref no 15/11987/FULL from December 2015.

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