Cundy Street Quarter
09/02/2021 by Buildington

Westminster Council is set to grant conditional permission to Grosvenor's plans for the redevelopment of the Cundy Street Quarter area.

The committee meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th February, 2021 6.30 pm.

Westminster ref. no. 20/03307/FULL.

Application 1 - Comprehensive residential-led mixed-use redevelopment, including demolition of Kylestrome House, Lochmore House, Laxford House, Stack House, Walden House and structures attached to Coleshill Flats; tree removal and pollarding; erection of a partial sub-basement, basement and buildings varying in height from five to 11 storeys, to provide affordable homes (Class C3), market homes (Class C3), senior living accommodation (comprising Class C3 and / or Class C2), alongside a range of uses at partial sub-basement, basement and ground floor level including retail (Class A1), restaurants / cafes (Class A3), drinking establishments (Class A4); offices (Class B1), community space (Class D1), cinema (Class D2); use of the lower ground floor of the Coleshill Flats as retail and / or workspace (Class A1 and / or B1); provision of new pedestrian routes; basement car parking; basement and ground floor circulation, servicing, refuse,, ancillary plant and storage; provision of hard and soft landscaping; landscaping works and creation of new play facilities at Ebury Square; rooftop PV panels; rooftop plant equipment; refurbishment and relocation of Arnrid Johnston obelisk to elsewhere within the site; refurbishment and relocation of the water fountain on Avery Farm Row; repair and relocation of the telephone boxes on Orange Square; and other associated works.(This is a phased development for CIL purposes)

Application 2 - Demolition of structures attached to Coleshill Flats on Pimlico Road; works to the eastern boundary wall at the eastern side of Coleshill Flats on Pimlico Road; minor alterations to the rear facade of the Coleshill Flats at lower ground floor; refurbishment and relocation of the Arnrid Johnston obelisk to elsewhere within the site; refurbishment and relocation of the water fountain on Avery Farm Row; repair and relocation of telephone boxes on Orange Square; and other associated works in connection with comprehensive residential-led mixed-use development.

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