Leconfield House
09/02/2021 by Buildington

Westminster council is set to grant conditional permission for converting the existing office building into a hotel and members club.

The application ref. no. 20/01200/FULL proposed the replacement the existing 7th-floor level and roof plant area, excavation of three new basement levels, infilling of windows at the rear, replacement windows and doors at ground and first-floor level, new loading doors onto Chesterfield Gardens and refurbishment works, all for use of the building as a 60 to 70 bedroom hotel and private members' club including restaurants, spa/wellness centre and retail (sui generis use), with the plant at 6th, 7th floor, roof level and basement level 3 and roof terraces at the seventh-floor level.

The committee meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th February 2021 at 6.30 pm and is broadcast online at westminster.gov.uk.

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