Granville Gardens

Planning application submitted

14/08/2014 by Buildington
Planning application submitted

Planning application submitted for the demolition of Beech Court, garages and other ancillary buildings and the erection of new buildings (including an extension to Nant Court) between two and six storeys in height (with additional basement levels in places) to provide 132 new dwellings in total (all use class C3), comprising 74 flats and 58 houses, together with the associated reconfiguration of the site access arrangements and alterations to parking, landscaping, refuse, recycling and other storage facilities and the provision of new play and communal amenity space.

Update: Appeal no. 15/00195/AREF allowed 8.08.2016

Barnet Council ref. no. F/04474/14

Refused 2.04.2015

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