75 Marylebone Lane
Planning permission for the redevelopment of 75-77 Marylebone Lane.

Planning permission for the redevelopment of 75-77 Marylebone Lane.

22/02/2023 by Buildington
Planning permission granted

Westminster City Council has granted planning permission for the demolition of the existing conservatory, the erection of a rear extension and the infilling of two light wells in connection with the use of the ground floor and basement as a restaurant (Class E). Alterations to front entrances and replacement of existing shopfront. Alterations to rear elevation including fenestration and at roof level in connection with use of the upper floors as three self-contained C3 residential units each with private external amenity areas including a roof terrace together with associated plant and landscaping (site includes 77 Marylebone Lane).

Westminster City Council ref. no. 21/08237/FULL

Submitted: 2.12.2021

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