Burlington Gate
06/03/2013 by Buildington

Planning application received by Westminster City Council for:

DEVELOPMENT SITE AT 29-30 OLD BURLINGTON STREET AND 22-27 CORK STREET: Demolition of the existing building and construction of a new building comprising nine floors above ground and three basement levels, including retail (Class A1) (of which a minimum of 994m2 GIA shall be occupied by Art Galleries), restaurant (Class A3), residential accommodation (Class C3; 42 flats), a publicly accessible arcade at ground floor level, hard and soft landscaping, green roof, roof top plant, access and servicing, ancillary car and cycle parking and other associated works.

Source: Westminster City Council www.westminster.gov.uk/planning
Ref. no: 13/01715/FULL
Date: Mon 18 Feb 2013

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