138-150 Wardour Street
Key Details
138-150 Wardour Street is a commercial building in Soho, London W1.
Site includes Film House at 142-150 Wardour Street, Mentorn House at 138-140 Wardour Street and 20 St Anne's Court.
2017 October - Planning application submitted for: Demolition behind retained facades of Nos 142 - 150 Wardour Street and 138-140 Wardour Street and full demolition of 20 St Anne's Court, rebuilding to comprise basement, ground and six upper floor for use for hotel purposes (C1), creation of a restaurant (Class A3) at ground floor level fronting onto St Anne's Court. Use of part of the roof as a restaurant and bar in connection with the hotel use, creation of terraces and plant enclosures and associated works. (Site includes 142-150 Wardour Street, 138-140 Wardour Street and 20 St Anne's Court). Westminster City Council ref. no. 17/08971/FULL.
Businesses in the building:
138-140 Wardour Street - Union VFX visual effects for film and television. Updated April 2012.
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