Fairbank Estate
Key Details
Fairbank Estate redevelopment in Hoxton, London N1.
An empty car park on a Hoxton estate is redeveloped to make way for new affordable new homes for local people.
The 73 new homes, with more than half for social rent and shared ownership, will replace a concrete car park and underused land with 3 new buildings on the Fairbank Estate.
New Affordable Homes
Council tenants already living at Fairbank and nearby whose current homes don’t meet their needs will get first priority for the 28 social rent homes. 9 Shared Ownership homes will be prioritised for local families living or working in Hackney and unable to get on the housing ladder. Alongside the remaining outright sale homes which will help pay for the development in the absence of government funding, these will be marketed directly by the Council through its in-house sales team, Hackney Sales.
The plans also include a major investment to transform shared spaces on the estate to benefit both new and existing residents, including filling in the sunken area around Thaxted Court tower block to provide new planting, landscaping and play facilities.
2021 January - Hackney Council’s planning sub-committee 21st January 2021 approves the plans for demolition of existing carpark and storage buildings and erection of three buildings of eight storeys each to provide 73 residential units (Use Class C3) and ground floor flexible spaces (Use Class E); infilling of basement carpark to a street-level around Thaxted Court; alterations at ground floor to Thaxted Court; alterations to boundary treatment of Halstead Court; erection of single-storey storage shed; erection of colonnade; and associated car parking, landscaping and public realm works. Hackney Council ref. no. 2020/3309.
Video showing the plans for Fairbank Estate.
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