RIU Plaza Hotel London
Key Details
RIU Plaza Hotel London at One Neathouse Place is a hotel development in Victoria, London SW1.
Riu Plaza hotel in London will become the chain’s first hotel in the United Kingdom, a country that represents a large proportion of RIU’s clientele in Spain and the Caribbean, and where the chain has spent some time seeking the ideal opportunity to expand the city hotel brand. The hotel that RIU is planning will be 4-star, with 435 rooms.
The future hotel will keep the structure and the best aspects of the existing building, and the interior will be completely transformed, with attention to design and comfort as well as the latest developments in energy efficiency and sustainable operations. Some of the rooms will enjoy spectacular views, and the hotel will also have a bar and restaurant.
A four-lane traffic road goes through and splits the podium into two volumes, reinforcing the separation of podium and tower form.
The building was originally constructed in the 1960s and it was fully renovated in 1997 to the designs of Avery Associates Architects.
The existing building provided 18,476 Sq.m (GEA) of office accommodation and ground
floor retail use. The building comprised 12 storeys (GF plus 11 floors), a basement and a roof top plant room.
2020 March - Planning permission for works to Nos. 27-31 and Nos. 39-40 Wilton Road including partial demolition and reconstruction to form an extended Building at One Neathouse Place for use as a Hotel (Class C1) with associated restaurant and bar on the ground floor (class A3 and A4), external alterations to Wilton Road and Vauxhall Bridge Road elevations; creation of rooftop plant and installation of new/replacement plant; public realm, highway and other associated works. Westminster Council ref. no. 19/04731/FULL.
2018 - The building is vacated.
2018 - RIU Hotels & Resorts acquires the building where, following a total refurbishment, it will open a hotel in its Riu Plaza urban line. Luis Riu, CEO of RIU Hotels & Resorts, commented: “Location is very important for all our hotels, but for the Riu Plaza line it is essential that we are located very close to the places of cultural and tourist interest and very well-connected. After years spent studying the best offers in the city, we are very pleased to announce this project, for which we estimate an investment of around 250 million euros to cover the purchase of the building and the refurbishment. The location is unbeatable, the building is in excellent condition and I think that in less than two years we will be able to celebrate the opening of our first hotel in London.”
Site & Location
The building is situated at 1 Neathouse Place, right next to Victoria Station, Westminster Cathedral and Buckingham Palace.
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