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Coming Soon – a drumroll in the world of property development

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“In just a little while longer, something grand is on its way.”

There’s an undeniable sense of excitement in the phrase ‘Coming Soon.’ This statement serves as a beacon to property enthusiasts, agents, and developers alike, hinting at the unveiling of new architectural wonders about to be thrust onto the stage. It’s like the anticipatory drumroll before the curtain rises, revealing the work of countless hours of architectural and construction brilliance.

The expression ‘Coming Soon’ in the property world carries an air of mystery, loaded with the anticipation of a new launch. It’s a strategic play from the developers, tactfully withholding a concrete date. A tease, you might say, with a vague timeline sprinkled in, just enough to whet the appetite of prospective buyers.

It is the first official sign from the developer to the buyer, signalling that marketing activities are shifting into high gear. It is more than just a sneak peek – ‘Coming Soon’ stands as a critical turning point, marking the transition from the development phase to the selling phase.

Coming Soon listings on Buildington

This pre-launch period is where the groundwork is laid out for the start of a potentially explosive sale. Developers and selling agents are at the ready, notepads in hand, collating a list of potential buyers. This is no ordinary list – it is a handpicked selection of prospects, vetted and ready to take up tenancy or ownership once the sales officially kick off.

There’s a real give-and-take during this pre-launch phase, providing potential buyers with the golden opportunity to stake their claim early. This forward move often opens up a world of exclusives – insider updates, first dibs on viewing appointments, and occasionally, preferential pricing, often reserved for the early birds

Developers and selling agents leverage this stage to dip their toes into the market, gauging the temperature and overall interest of buyers. The feedback and information gathered here serve as a vital tool in shaping their marketing tactics, fine-tuning pricing strategies, and in some instances, even putting the final touches on the property itself to cater better to prospective occupants.

Let’s not forget the role ‘Coming Soon’ plays in building anticipation and a sense of exclusivity among potential buyers and the wider market. The buzz generated around a property can create a sense of urgency, driving interest and, in turn, sales.

Capella King’s Cross – Estate agent Knight Frank building up anticipation in Spring 2022

Where can I find new developments that are Coming Soon?

The best place to find new homes and offices that are coming soon is to search for that particular milestone on Buildington. This is on the New Developments section of the site and the milestone can be specified in the search.

New Developments ‘Coming Soon’ to London, England

Search for Coming Soon in New Developments on Buildington

Take Action

Prospective buyers should ensure to register their interest during this crucial phase, lest they miss out on the benefits, such as having a better selection, etc.

Most new development profiles at this point will have a website or a dedicated page with a form where you can register your interest. You will find a link to the official development website in the details of the project profile on Buildington.

Website link on the development profile in Buildington.

What happens next?

If you have registered your interest, the sales representative will contact you to let you know about the upcoming sales launch before it is publicly announced.

While you might be eager to find out the exact pricing or completion date, these are rarely advertised at this stage. The timelines for ‘Coming Soon’ properties may vary depending on a multitude of factors such as the developer’s certainty regarding the completion of the project, readiness to handle enquiries, and the robustness of their marketing strategy. Some projects are announced sooner, others later, underscoring the need to stay on top of market updates to seize potential opportunities.

Weston Homes brochure from July 2022

When can I expect the development to be announced?

There is no rule for the right time for the announcement of an upcoming project launch as it depends on too many factors. As an example, Caxton Square in Wood Green, London N22, by Weston Homes. First advertised as ‘Coming Soon’ in July 2022, it officially launched in May 2023. In contrast, Hurlingham Waterfront in Fulham SW6 kept its audience on tenterhooks for a mere two months, announcing its arrival in March 2023 and launching in May 2023.

‘Coming Soon’ milestone in property development is more than just an enticing teaser. It’s a strategic play, bridging the gap between construction completion and property launch. In the rapidly evolving property market, registering early as early as possible can give buyers and investors a vital advantage, ensuring they’re always at the front of the queue when a property is finally launched.

Find New Developments ‘Coming Soon’ to London, England


‘Coming Soon’ is one of the key milestones on Buildington that form a roadmap, showing the full lifecycle of a property from its initial idea to completion. For those involved or interested in the property market, these milestones help track progress, provide understanding, and encourage interaction. In a continually changing market, staying updated on these milestones can give you a competitive edge. On Buildington, all team members can sign up to share updates and milestones to keep potential buyers and locals informed about the project’s progress.

Please note that all property prices in this article are subject to change. You should always contact the sales representative for the up to date information.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on this page is up to date and correct, Buildington accepts no responsibility for any errors contained in the information, or if the information is not current.

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