Minerva House
Key Details
Minerva House is a redevelopment of an office building by GPE on the banks of the River Thames in South Bank, London SE1.
GPE is refurbishing the building to deliver 143,100 sq ft of Grade A office space. The scheme will take full advantage of the building’s river frontage and, by adding additional storeys, outdoor terraces with amazing views and amenity space will be created.
The refurbishment will also improve the public realm around the building, creating new and improved connections through the site as well as attractive new gardens that will contribute to local greening and biodiversity and provide space for people to enjoy in the setting of Southwark Cathedral.
The plans propose to retain and reuse the majority of the existing building’s structure, including two primary façades, contributing to the building’s market-leading sustainability credentials. The scheme is anticipated to complete in December 2026, and deliver a profit to GPE on cost of 19.1%, an ungeared IRR of 11.7% and a 7.0% development yield.
The original Grindlays Bank building completed in 1983 was designed by Twigg, Brown & Partners.
See our full photo gallery starting from March 2012.
1. Wikipedia - Minerva House en.wikipedia.org
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Site & Location
The building is located on the South Bank of the River Thames adjacent to Southwark Cathedral and in the immediate environs of the vibrant Borough market. The nearest tube station is London Bridge.
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